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Les Amis de la droite Américaine
Les Amis de la droite Américaine
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3 mars 2008

Selon Bill O'Reilly, Mitt Romney serait le meilleur candidat pour la Vice Présidence


Bill O'Reilly, journaliste de Fox News et réel conservateur, a commenté les choix possibles pour John McCain pour choisir un candidat à la Vice-Présidence.

Plusieurs seraient possibles en réalité. Je vois personnellement quelqu'un comme Haley Barbour, gouverneur du Mississippi, comme un excellent candidat. Cependant, Bill O'Reilly a raison. Mitt Romney serait le meilleur candidat pour la Vice Présidence. Il est fort là où McCain est faible, et inversement. Son expérience est grande, bien plus que celle du désigné Républicain, et il permettra d'unir le Parti derrière son nom. Très clairement, Mitt Romney est aujourd'hui le meilleur choix pour une Vice-Présidence Républicaine.

Pierre Toullec

Article publié sur le très bon site Red State. Tous les arguments publiés pour voir Romney devenir le Running mate de McCain sont résumés à la perfection.<br /> <br /> Although I supported Romney, even I was surprised by how the strength of his case for Vice President. I started to write a response to the Vice President thread, but there are so many reasons that I needed to start a new diary. Put aside your primary prejudices for a moment.<br /> <br /> 1. Money, money, money. Despite some of the slurs thrown around here, Mitt RAISED more money than any other candidate and much of that was done before he was a household name like Guiliani, McCain and Thompson. People like to deride him as some rich guy, built his money was self-made and he is a hell of a fundraiser. McCain has a serious money gap that needs to be addressed.<br /> <br /> 2. Message discipline. Romney is super disciplined. He will not go off the reservation. He's good at being methodical, staying on message and not being a maverick, which is important for a Veep candidate. He will not deviate from the message nor will he usurp McCain’s limelight. McCain and his campaign cannot be undermined or trumped by the acts of an unpredictable or 'off the cuff' Veep.<br /> <br /> 3. Party unity. It may not help with all conservatives, but it well help with many. In fact, many conservative personalities have already said that their enthusiasm for McCain would rise if Romney was picked. Romney can help assuage some of the immigration and global warming skeptics as well. <br /> <br /> 4. Party organization. Romney is a master executive and organizer. He also holds great sway with rank and file committeemen and women as demonstrated by his success in the caucuses. While the Democrats eat each other up, the Republicans with Romney could use this time to gain a superior tactical advantage in organization, unity and discipline.<br /> <br /> 5. Michigan. Michigan is a fairly large state. I have much faith that Romney can deliver Michigan. Someone like Pawlenty may deliver Minnesota, but Minnesota is smaller and Pawlenty does little else for McCain except reinforce the notions McCain is weak on AGW and immigration. Bush almost won Michigan in 2004. Under Democratic rule, Michigan continues to decline. It is ripe to be picked off.<br /> <br /> 6. Healthcare. The primary is over. You don't have to spread or believe anymore lies about Romney's “socialized” healthcare plan. The fact is that Romney and his team, guys like Charlie Baker, are healthcare gurus. Romney always said that he would take a federalist approach at the national level and that Massachusetts plan was the right fit for Massachusetts, which it was. This will be a hot issue and Romney will whip any Democrat or any member of the news media in a debate. Plus, he can bring some genuinely good ideas to the table. McCain could designate Romney his healthcare guru.<br /> <br /> 7. The Party of Lincoln. No doubt this is being framed as a historic election. We will have some combination of an African-American and a woman on the Democratic ticket. Ironically, it is probably the Mormans who are most persecuted minority in modern society. Although he is a “white guy”, Romney still represents a persecuted people and would be a historical nomination representative of “The Party of Lincoln”. "The Party of Lincoln" needs to reclaim our rightful place in history as the party of inclusion and tolerance. <br /> <br /> 8. No skeletons. The campaign does not need to spend three months vetting a Veep nominee. No hookers, no dirty movie rentals, no DUIs, no old buddies talking about coke, no infidelity, no estranged kids, no addictions, etc.. The Democrats will fight a scorched earth campaign and many of the other prospective candidates have not been thoroughly vetted and are unlikely to match Romney’s squeaky clean image. <br /> <br /> 9. Energized Mormons. No doubt Mormons are a little deflated after have their candidate, and worse, their faith bashed by many in the Party they have so loyally supported. They have a lot of money and a strong organization and can be players in the key Purple states like Colorado and Nevada.<br /> <br /> 10. Private sector experience. McCain has none. The economic concerns are rising. Paring a Washington insider with say another career poltician, lawyer or beaurocrat will do little to help appease the concerns of folks who worry about the economy. The housing crisis and job creation demand a private sector perspective, which Romney can provide.<br /> <br /> 11. Ann. She would work well with certain demographics. She is surprisingly savvy campaigner. Her long marriage, work as a mother of five and her intriguing battle with multiple sclerosis make her an interesting human story.<br /> <br /> 12. Overall competence and appearance. Intelligence and competence have never really been and issue for Romney. He is a fast learner. Although he has no foreign policy experience, there is little question that he could absorb the issues of the day quickly and be prepared on day one if necessary. He certainly will look the part. He is acceptable in that doomsday red phone scenario.
OReilly avait déjà cité le gouverneur du Minnesota la semaine dernière...<br /> <br /> Je prie pour qu'il ait raison sur Romney. Quelle ticket d'enfer ce serait !
Je pense que c'est le meilleur ticket, mais est-il possible ?<br /> Les 2 ne s'aiment franchement pas, apparemment...
EH bien oui nous on le savait (depuis 3 semaines) j'espèr que Mac CAIN est du même avis... Obama ou pas avec ce ticket les Républicain seront en très bonne position. Pour un ticket MAC CAIN ROMNEY, et vous qu'en penssez vous?
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